

The Scandinavian LDS Women database is an ongoing research and outreach project directed by Julie Allen, Professor of Comparative Arts and Letters at Brigham Young University, together with a dynamic team of student research assistants. Our goal is to make visible the lives of women who joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Nordic countries of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and Finland between 1850 and 1920 and subsequently immigrated to Utah. Scandinavian LDS women convert-immigrants made up a significant percentage of the foreign-born settlers of Utah and contributed significantly to the development of Utah culture, but their stories have not been systematically studied, due in large part to lack of access to their life histories. This database is designed to make it possible to search for Nordic women by their names, the places they came from, and the places they settled, as well as to flesh out the facts of their lives with their own writings (letters, diaries, personal histories).

Project Team

Research Assistants

  • Ivy Allen (Summer 2024-present)
  • Claire Farnsworth (Spring 2023-present)
  • Maren Hamilton (Fall 2023-present)
  • Jacob Hogge (Winter 2024-present)
  • Amelia Holbrook-Brown (Spring 2022-present)
  • Anna McConkie (Fall 2023-present)
  • Elspeth Rayback (Summer 2024-present)
  • Emma White (Spring 2023-present)

Student Developers

  • Sunny You (Fall 2022-present)

Project Alumnae/i

  • Rebecca Driggs (Winter 2022-Spring 2023)
  • Lane Welch (Spring/Summer 2023)
  • Anna Noelle Smith (Fall 2022-Summer 2023)
  • Grace Chipman (Spring 2023)
  • Amanda Reece (Winter 2022-Winter 2023)
  • Aiden Jones (Winter 2022-Fall 2022)
  • Ellie Murri (Winter 2022-Winter 2023)
  • Samantha Bailey (Spring 2022-Winter 2023)
  • Clare Hamn, researcher (Winter 2022)
  • Deanna McHardy, researcher (Winter 2022)
  • Sophie Jarvis, researcher (Winter 2022)
  • Grace Call, researcher (Winter/Spring 2022)
  • Annie Nielson, researcher (Winter/Spring/Summer 2022)
  • Catherine Marchesi, researcher (Winter 2022)
  • Kelly Woods, developer (Spring/Summer 2022)
  • Juliana Yue, developer (Fall 2022)
  • Juan Gutierrez, designer (Fall 2022)
  • Jenica Freeman, designer (Summer 2022)