Matilda Andersson (1853 - 1940)

Alternate Names
Blue eyed blonde haired daughter was born to John and Maja Stina Olson Andersson. Three years later, her little sister Anna Louisa was born and the two were “inseparable companions.” They heard the gospel from missionaries and the family immigrated to Utah when Mathilda was eight, leaving their father behind to sell the family jewelry shop. The trek to America was difficult with little Anna getting very sick. When they reached Utah, Mathilda turned to her mother and exclaimed “Let’s go back to Sweden. This can’t be Zion.” Her mother assured them that Zion was going to be beautiful with their hard work.
The family settled in Grantsville, Utah and began spinning wool for money. They took piano and organ lessons in Salt Lake City from renowned musician Ebenezer Beesley and were the first organists in Tooele County. Their organ was transported by horse to lend music to various communities for their church meetings and celebrations. Matilda and Annie married brothers and their children were all taught the same art of music.
Summarized from “History Mathilda Andersson” from Grantsville Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Archives
Links to Records
- Becca Driggs